
2017.11.06 美国阿拉巴马伯明翰大学 Prof. Moon H. Nahm 和 韩国成均馆大学Prof. Dong-Kwon Rhee

日期:2017-11-07     浏览:3254次

报告题目:Pneumococcal capsule & glycobiology

报 告 人:Prof. Moon H. Nahm University of Alabama at Birmingham美国阿拉巴马伯明翰大学

邀 请 人:周丛照/陈宇星教授

报告时间:2017年11月6日(周一)下午15:00 -17:30



Professor Moon Hea. Nahm, worked in the Department of Medicine, School of Medicine University of Alabama at Birmingham, and is the director of NIH Bacterial Respiratory Pathogen Reference Laboratory (Pneumococcal and H. influenzae Reference Laboratory). He obtained both BA degree (in 1970) and MD degree (in 1974) from Washington University St. Louis MO. In 1980, he completed both Laboratory Medicine residency training in Pathology Department and post-doctoral research training with Dr. Joseph Davie in Microbiology Department at Washington University, St. Louis MO. He was a faculty member at Washington University, St. Louis MO from 1980 till 1996. He then moved to University of Rochester, Rochester NY until he joined UAB as a Professor in June 2001. He has directed the clinical immunology laboratory for UAB hospitals until 2016. In his research laboratory, he studies immune responses to pneumococcal polysaccharide antigens, bacterial pathogenesis, diagnosis of bacterial infections, and vaccines against bacterial infections. He invented multiplexed opsonophagocytosis assay (MOPA), which has revolutionized vaccine evaluations. In addition, his laboratory serves as the pneumococcal reference laboratory for NIH and WHO.


报告题目:Intranasal Immunization with an Attenuated Pep27 Mutant Provides Collateral Protection from Influenza Virus and Other Bacteria

报 告 人:Prof. Dong-Kwon Rhee SungKyunKwan University韩国成均馆大学

邀 请 人:周丛照/陈宇星教授




Professor Dong-Kwon Rhee, worked in the School of Pharmacy, SungKyunKwan University. He has completed his PhD at University of Illinois at Chicago in 1988 and postdoctoral studies from Yale University School of Medicine. He was the director of World Class University at Sungkyunkwan University, which is ranked 45th in Pharmacy and Pharmacology World rankings 2014. He has published 154 papers in reputed journals and is serving as a president of Korean Society of Ginseng.
